As the episode begins, Misora heads to school as usual... ...by jumping out of a blimp. She begins to wonder how her mother, Kūko Tsukushima, a Japanese diplomat, is doing. It turns out that Misora's mother has returned to Japan and barges into Sorajiro's office. She is none too pleased at him as she had just found out that her daughter had been recruited into the Air Defense Force. Despite some arguments from Sorajiro, Kūko puts her foot down and decides to take Misora with her. Gliding in through the classroom window on her own personal glider, Kūko interrupts the class to pick Misora up. Without giving Misora any chance to argue, she picks Misora up in her arms and glides away into the sky. Mao-chan and Sylvia find themselves in a predicament as without Misora, the girls can no longer activate the United Defense Barrier, let alone be the United Defense Forces.